Wednesday, March 18, 2009

ocalamia said...

i completely agree with that story about the husband and wife. however, many women cannot keep their child for a number of reasons: they cannot afford to take care of it and the baby may end up dying anyway, they decide they do not want the baby (in this case, i think adoption would be best), or they are so upset that they want the baby completely gone and decide to have an abortion. the nine year old girl probably had a very small chance of survival if she delivered the babies, but she is still traumatized because she was raped AND had an abortion. i definately believe that women should make their own choice on whether to get an abortion or not.

Katie said...

I am well aware that many women cannot keep their child for a number of reasons: that is what ADOPTION is for. That is not what abortion is for. Ok, also I understand why the nine year old girl had an abortion. I understand that she had a very small chance of survival and abortion truly was her only way out. So, please stop using the nine year old girl as an example. I have commented on what I believe concerning the case and the chance of something like this happen is really one in a million! Choose a different scenario! Women should not make their own choice on whether to have an abortion or not: many women aren't wise enough to see all sides of things. They believe an abortion is the only way out; they don't figure out until later that abortion was the wrong choice.


  1. The problem with what you just said about changing the scenario, is that it is like ignoring the topic. Pro Life feels very stongly agianst all abortion, no matter what the circumstance. ProChoice gives the opportunity to make up your mind about whether to get one or not to. People often think that Pro Choice is Pro Abortion, while it is really just the chance to make a decision, whether that is abortion or not. It is cruel and unfair to tell a person that they are not allowed to get an abortion. It is a persons right to be able to decide for themselves. The bottom line with the scenario about the girl is that it happened. Whether it was one in a million is irrevalent. It is something that can't be ignored and her story needs to be heard. It happens more than we know. And whether women are WISE enough! Everything changes if a woman gets pregnant. It is not something to take lightly and eventually, women figure that out. All women? No. Most women? Yes. It is something that should be considered, not decided on a whim, and I believe women most definatly have the wisdom to decide about it.

  2. You should NOT have the choice to KILL someone legally. You cannot put someone else's life in YOUR OWN HANDS without their consent. IT SHOULD NOT BE YOUR CHOICE TO DECIDE WHETHER HE OR SHE LIVES OR DIES! What if I came up to you and told you that I was legally allowed to decide whether you lived or died? would that make sense?! Also, what did the baby do to deserve the death sentence?!!

    If abortion is legal, why don't they legalize the killing of their children by their parents? The parents are still in charge of them after the mother gives birth, and they still have the power to kill them, but IS THAT LEGAL? NO! AND FOR GOOD REASON!

  3. Paul, nice comment. I totally agree.
    A couple things etucci:
    "It is a persons right to be able to decide for themselves" (on abortion)
    Alright, what about the baby? What's their say? IT IS THEIR RIGHT TO LIVE!!
    "It happens more than we know" (concerning rare circumstances such as the one concerning the nine year old girl in Brazil)
    Really? Ok, give me proof. How do you know this happens more than we know??
    Concerning whether women are wise enough: Just look at the website titled regrets. I believe it speaks for itself. Here is a WHOLE LIST of women who know they made the wrong decision. They admit right there they were not wise!
    Also: people who are pro choice are pro abortion because they favor abortion over life in certain circumstances.
    Also: one question: When do you believe life begins?
