Tuesday, March 24, 2009

When a baby is born without a brain it is called anencephaly. When this happens a baby will most likely survive for a few days. It is a very,very rare condition. Do I think it is okay to have an abortion when you find out your baby will be born without a brain? No, I don't. It is so, so, so sad and I understand that the parents will have to live with the fact that their baby has no chance of living a normal, long life. I believe it is the parent's duty to have the baby and let him or her live its life for however long that may be. God gave that baby life, it is not our job to decide that life should be taken away. It is so, so sad as I said, but the baby has the right to live and I have a feeling that the parents would feel even more grief and sorrow if they aborted the baby.


  1. I understand where your coming from but do you understand that the baby will NOT live once it is born? There is no way for a child to live without a brain. NO WAY. You are telling me that you are going to put that mother through weeks of pain. Every time she passes a friend in the super market and they ask her when the baby is due her eyes will fill up with tears. She has a constand reminder that the baby she grew to nurish, care for, and love will no longer be able to live. Every day, every hour, every minute. Are you really going to be the person to put her through that pain? Are you going to look that pour, morning mother and father in the eyes and tell them that they have to endure more pain than they already have been through? You are going to be that person and still leave feeling as though you have done something good? And before you come back with the church would not aprove comment, I know of someone who this has happen to and she even went to her priest to ask if it was ok and he said yes because he had a heart and could see how much pain she would be in. Are you still going to be that person?

  2. Wait I'm sorry but I feel like you are saying because I believe abortion is wrong even in this scenario, I have no heart?! That just doesn't make sense to me. I do not know the details surrounding this scenario and since this happens to someone you knew I feel that anything I say will offend you and this person. I am not saying that this person is a bad person. I will just tell you this: Although I have never been in this situation (obviously) and probably never will be since this is such a rare occurence, if I were pregnant with a baby that had no brain meaning it could only live from a couple of hours to a couple of days (it can live for a couple of days off of its brain stem, I've researched it) I would not abort it because I believe that it has the right to live its life, however long that is. You can tell me that I am crazy because I have no idea how painful it truly is. However, I feel that if I were in that position, that is what I would do. I'm sorry for whomever that happened to. That is an absolutely sad and painful thing to go through I am sure.

  3. I'm not saying that you don't have a heart, I know you do, but I'm just saying can you really say what you would do before the situation is presented to you? It is much harder than you might think. It's to painful to imagine. I understand that this is a personal matter for me and I have a strong opion on it, so I am sorry if I was maybe a bit too strong before. God has already chosen a path for that child. I think that he would understand in this type of situation. And I should specify that the person who I knew personally that had this happen to her took drugs that made her delieverly happen sooner. She was already seven months pregnant when this had happened to her. They did not make her wait another month for the baby to be born.

  4. Quick Q- so she didn't abort the baby? Just induced delivery? Sorry a little confused.

  5. I'm really confused about this subject how does this a baby live without a brain im not getting it at all

  6. "About ¼ of anencephalic babies die at birth; those who survive have a life expectancy of a few hours or days."
    Here is the website I found this at: http://www.anencephalie-info.org/e/faq.php
    Hope it explains everything!
