Thursday, March 12, 2009

Okay. In this case I am very torn. I think that every rule has its exception and this just might be the exception in the case of abortion. Now, I know you all are thinking that I am contradicting myself and changing my stance on the topic. I am most certainly not. This is an EXTREMELY RARE occurence where a nine year old girl is raped, gets pregnant, and is due to deliver twins. This is not something you see every day. The millions of abortions that take place every year are not nearly as extreme as this scenario. I do believe that if a girl is raped and gets pregnant they should deliver the baby and give it up for adoption if that girl's body is near an age where giving birth is possible (the nine year old girl was obviously much too young to be giving birth; there was an overwhelming chance she would die in the process). Now I know a lot of you are thinking: but if a girl is raped they should be able to get rid of the baby, they shouldn't have to live with that baby growing inside of them, reminding them of the traumatic experience (the raping). However, two wrongs do not make a right. That baby inside of the rape victim has the right to live. Also, if a girl aborts a baby because it was concieved due to rape they now have to live with two traumatic experiences: the raping and the fact that they aborted a baby.


  1. I read and understood your point of view on this story and agree that this girl is way to young to even consider having a baby. However, in this case, abortion was really her only choice, except for dying, along with the babies. The girl would have indeed gone through a tramatic experiance, but if abortion keeps the girl herself from dying, because of events she could not control, then I agree with the fact that she had one done

  2. Yes, that is why I said I believe this may be the exception in abortion. It looked as if there was no way the girl would deliver safely and if she died it is quite possible that the babies would have died, as you said. I do understand the church's stance though. There must be rules, and those rules must be upheld. Do I think that the ruling was a little harsh? Yes, but I think the church did what they believed was right. They upheld their rules. Commenting on the traumatic experience of an abortion...I was doing some research and it is extremely common for women to have many problems after abortion (post traumatic stress, second thoughts about aborting, sleep deprivation, etc) I was also talking to a reliable adult source who said many times women commit suicide because of having an abortion.

  3. I was wondering what you would say to the young girl who had to abort her babies. I understand your point of view completely. You make plenty of sense. But if you were face to face with a young girl you was raped and then had much stress put on her body, what would you say?
