Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Before I answer your question I was just wondering if you are Catholic? I forget if you are or not. I don't mean to offend you, just wondering and my response will be different if you are or if you aren't.


  1. Nope I'm a protestant and to be specific im a presbyterian. No offense taken. Its just I would never ever let my wife in the future get an abortion but I'm not going to force my will on others. And God never said we had to all follow him.

  2. I am not saying that because I believe in pro life I feel it is necessary to convert all others into Catholicism. However, I do believe we can tell them that abortion is wrong and that it should be illegal. For example, some people may feel that euthanasia is fine. They may feel that there is nothing wrong with it. However, we are not supposed to back down and say "Well since you believe euthanasia is okay we are going to allow you to perform it." We have to stand up for what is right

  3. whatif someone was catholic what would be your response?

  4. I would say that as Catholics it is our job to uphold what our religion believes. Catholicisim believes that abortion is wrong and that it is murder. It is our jobs to back up the Catholic Church and stand up for what we believe in. As Catholics we are supposed to be prolife (that is why in the presidential debate that we had this past November? or October, I forget exactly when, Mr.S wouldn't let abortion be a topic up for debate because as a Catholic School we are all supposed to be prolife.) I am not saying that if you are Catholic and prochoice that you are a bad Catholic- I am just saying that maybe you should reevaluate what the church has to say on being prolife and why the Catholic Church is prolife. I think that understanding our Church's stance might change your mind. I am prolife for a number of reasons, one being that I am Catholic and agree with the Church's stance on the matter. Good question, Laura, thank you.
